
According to § 5 TMG:

Production Department GmbH
Basedowstrasse 12
20537 Hamburg

t +49 40 43 09 43 43

Registergericht / Registration Court Hamburg
HRB 150250
Ust-ID-No./ VAT-No.: DE 31 66 90 311
Geschäftsführung / managing director: Ivo Boderke

Inhaltlich Verantwortliche gemäss § 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag /
Person responsible concerning the contents according to § 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag:
Ivo Boderke


Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschliesslich deren Betreiber verantwortlich.

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Die in der Website enthaltenen Textbeiträge und Abbildungen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Das Copyright liegt bei der Production Department GmbH oder den Fotografen. Alle Teile der Website unterliegen dem Copyright und sind urheberrechtlich als Datensammelwerk geschätzt. Jede Verwertung bedarf der schriftlichen Zustimmung des Copyright-Inhabers.


Despite careful control of the content of external links we do not accept any responsibility for the content thereof. The operators of the linked web pages are exclusively responsible for the content of such.

The design features, words or parts thereof used by ourselves on our Internet pages may be protected by trademark law or may be subject to third-party rights (including where not expressly designated as registered trademarks). Insofar as this is the case, all use of such on our part is solely descriptive. The rights pertaining to any designated trademarks are held by the respective owner, to whose rights we hereby ex-pressly refer.

In the event that, despite all due care and attention, an infringement of rights is established on our Internet pages, the most expedient manner of rectifying this position is to notify us accordingly by e-mail. We hereby assure that any established infringement of rights will be rectified as quickly as possible and avoided in the future. Our Internet site contains hyperlinks (references to other Internet sites). We have absolutely no influence over the content or design of these sites and do not assert any form of ownership for such. All responsibility for these sites lies exclusively with the respective owner. Should the content of these sites be legally contestable, we hereby expressly disassociate ourselves therefrom. In the event that any infringement of a right becomes apparent on a web page linked to our site, or a page obtainable via a sequence of links from such a web page, please notify us accordingly stating details of the entire link sequence.


The texts and images contained within this website are protected by copyright, which is held by Production Department GmbH or the photographer. All components of the website are subject to the copyright and are protected under copyright as a data compilation. Any commercialisation of such is subject to the written agreement of the copyright owner.


About us

We provide full project management and coordination services regardless of project size.

Based in Hamburg we realize with our global partners worldwide projects on site.

Delivering individualized approach to each photography, film, exhibition or event production is what we offer to turn your vision into reality.


Our international knowledge base and experience enables us to provide the following


  • Personal Advice
  • Customised Concept
  • Mood Research
  • Budgeting
  • Art Buying
  • Casting
  • Location Scouting
  • Crew Booking
  • Travel Booking
  • Provision of Permissions
  • Equipment


  • Coordination on Location
  • Location Base Service
  • Support of VIP Guests
  • Transportation
  • Catering Service


  • Retouch
  • Post-Processing
  • Buyout Negotiation
  • Rights Management
  • Invoicing


Impressions of behind the scenes


Production Department GmbH

Ivo Boderke Ivo 2
Basedowstraße 12
20537 Hamburg

Hamburg 1/40


Berlin 1/35


Architecture 1/24


Wooden houses 1/32


Urbane Hamburg 1/81


Alps 1/16


Alps in Winter 1/29


Landscape 1/43


Scandinavia 1/48


Germany 1/43


Chateaus 1/4


Nature 1/33